Welcome to the Whistleblower Channel
This channel provides the opportunity to submit queries and complaints anonymously or confidentially. The channel can be used to report or clarify anything that may be in breach of our ethical codes or in violation of European Union law. All notifications must be made in good faith.
The information provided will be used by the person in charge of our company to clarify possible breaches or misconduct. After assessment, he will propose corrective measures if possible. In case of indications of a crime, the matter will be referred to the corresponding authority.
All communications are guaranteed to be treated confidentially and securely. The notification process is encrypted and password protected. It is not necessary to provide any personal information in order to make a query or complaint, although the Commission may request additional information for the best resolution of the matter. All information and messages exchanged will be stored in the channel.
Follow-up of the complaint
You will be able to follow up on your complaint, as well as provide additional information if necessary. To do so, you will need to log in with the unique access data that will be provided at the end of the process.
HR-related matters
Finally, it should be noted that matters relating to interpersonal conflicts should not be communicated through this system, but should be dealt with the HR department.