New Report

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Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

This information channel is provided in order to comply with the regulations on the protection of persons reporting breaches of Union Law.

It is a secure and absolutely confidential channel. You can even communicate with us anonymously. Before communicating through this channel, you must read and accept the terms of use (to know which facts can be communicated through this channel and which informants are protected by the regulations) and the privacy policy.

In this case, our company forms a group of companies so when communicating your information you must identify the specific company affected in the drop-down menu that you will find in the tool itself, these conditions of use are applicable to the entire group.

1.- What information can you provide through this channel?

  •     Certain regulatory infringements or information in the framework of the fight against corruption as set out in the Annex to Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of 23 October 2019 on:
  •     Public procurement and award of concessions
  •     Financial services, products and markets (banking, credit, investment, insurance and reinsurance, personal pension or retirement products, securities services, investment funds, payment services), and prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing
  •     Safety and conformity requirements for products placed on the EU market.
  •     Transport safety
  •     Environmental protection
  •     Radiation protection and nuclear safety
  •     Food and feed safety, animal health and animal welfare
  •     Public health
  •     Consumer protection
  •     Protection of privacy and personal data, and security of networks and information systems.
  •     Infringements affecting the Union's financial interests or having an impact on the internal market, including infringements of Union rules on competition and aid granted by the States, as well as infringements relating to the internal market in connection with acts infringing the corporate tax rules or practices aimed at obtaining a tax advantage that distorts the object or purpose of the legislation applicable to corporate taxation.
  •     Violations of the rest of the legal system that may constitute a serious or very serious criminal or administrative infringement or that directly affect the general interest, it being understood that this is compromised in any case if the violation under investigation affects the Public Treasury.
  •     As well as the matters included in art. 31 bis and 129 of the PC that have criminal transcendence. However, information on these matters, and their senders will be outside the scope of protection provided by the regulations on the protection of persons reporting on infringements of Union Law.